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Shift Network Blog

Exploring Extraterrestrial Wisdom Frontiers?
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Jesus’ Actual Spiritual Path
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Vocal Toning for Healing & Spiritual Sustenance in Ancient Egypt
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The Rise of Partnerarchy
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The Future of Sound Healing: A Bridge Between Science and Spirituality
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How Are You & The Universe Working Together?
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Politics as a Spiritual Practice
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5 Powerful Medicinal Benefits of the Hawthorn Tree
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How Science & Spirituality Split From One Another
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The Starting Point for Shamanic Journeying
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Nature Talks to Us Through Feelings
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The Sacred Dance of Self and Other
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Clear Your Vision of What Your Life Should Be
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The Rhythms of Reconnection
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The Rise of the Noble Masculine
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The Little-Known Alta Major Chakra
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Healing With Indigenous Peoples
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Expanding Your Vision in 2024
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What Is Neural Plasticity?
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What Are Ancestral Rivers? with Eileen McKusick
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May heartbreak plant seeds of peace
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3 Ways to Reconnect to the Magic & Wonder of Life
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Rest in Peace | Transcending the Fear of Death
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How to Use Astrology as a Tool for Personal Growth & Inner Peace
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What is a Highly Sensitive Person?
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Unpacking the Power of the Hail Mary Prayer with Andrew Harvey
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How the Christ Path Guides Us Out of Darkness
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Why Calling in Guardians is An Important Part of Any Plant Medicine Ceremony
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Why Ayahuasca? Why Now?
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How To Return To Love & The Real World
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What Does it Mean to Serve God?
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What Does it Mean to Think Electrically About Your Health?
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How Biofield Tuning Restores Optimum Health & Happiness
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Radical Presence to Heal Ancestral Trauma
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“Why You Should Feel Zero Guilt For Being Happy”
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How to Navigate + Master the Unknown Using Energy Codes
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Introducing the Emotion Code® | Access the Infinite Intelligence of Your Subconscious
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Aligning and Harmonizing With the Cosmos
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Two Benefits of Becoming One With Cosmic Consciousness
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How to Shapeshift Into a Soaring Eagle
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Discovering the Ancient Treasures of Mexican Dream Knowledge
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Psychedelics for Therapeutic Purposes
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Why Explore Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness? w/Stan Grof
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Practices to Observe Your Fixation and Love Yourself as You Are
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How the Enneagram Awakens Higher Consciousness
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How to Live a Conscious Life & Realize Deep Soul Contentment
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Aging With Joy, Grace & Vitality Using the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda
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The Vedic Concept of Soul
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Unlocking Your Unique Gifts to Become Your Most Divine Self
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Turning the Wheel of Heaven w/Robert Peng
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How Qigong Helps You Stay Forever Young & Vital
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What is the Energetic Heart? with Rollin McCraty, PhD
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